> On Aug 15, 9:37 pm, Quixotic Nixotic <nixot...@blueyonder.co.uk>
> wrote:

>> I found them while looking at their logic sniffer, which looks fairly
>> awesome to me, but what do I 
>> know?http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/open-workbench-logic-sniffer-p-612.h...
>> What does the team think about either product?

On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 4:42 AM, Nick <n...@desmith.net> wrote:

> However, I had a close look at their logic analyser a while back -
> very nice pretty graphics, but very slow sampling rate so it really
> only useful for very low speed analysis. The sample rate is 24MHz -
> painfully slow - not good for catching glitches etc.

I thought the logic sniffer had a 200Mhz sample rate (albeit with 1/2
the channels). At least that's what they advertise.
 I'ts one of the reasons I picked it up (that, the open source nature
of the project, and the price).

Where does that 24mhz sample rate come from?


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