
I'm trying to make a case for one of my clocks and started looking at 
online fabrication services such as big blue saw. I am basically looking at 
designing and fabricating one-offs of some simple acrylic pieces (with cut 
outs/holes etc.). I was wondering if anyone can recommend a service that is 
reasonable for one-off parts like this? I'm also looking for a reasonably 
simple CAD package to design them in. I have messed with various CAD 
packages in the past but I am looking for something that is easy to design 
the sort of simple 2D parts I am thinking of.

There is also a nearby maker space I could join for $40 a month. It seems 
like overkill for what I want (at the moment!). Plus I would have to buy 
materials anyway and they only offer laser cutting rather than water jet 

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thanks - Paul

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