On 01/11/2017 10:15 PM, Nicholas Stock wrote:
> For simple 2D CAD you could try FreeCAD which is OK,
> but not great. Inkscape is a good tool for 2D drawing but the learning
> curve is steep (although there are plenty of online resources to help if
> you have patience). 

I use InkScape a lot (Linux) but it's not a CAD package, it's a drawing
program a la CorelDraw.  The difference is in the amount of effort
required to do precision drawings.  That is, drawings that will be fed
into CAM of some sort.

I and my company are firmly committed to FOSS but after a couple of
years of struggling with buggy software, software that would only run in
Windows in a VM and so on, I decided to violate my principles and use a
commercial closed source package called Qcad.

With Qcad one can either key in the coordinates of objects or draw them
close and later fill in the precise dimensions in a "properties" box.

It takes a little while to learn the ways of Qcad but once the light
bulb goes on, it is very fast to work with.  It has up to 4 "view ports"
and will take these and do an isometric projection.  Not quite 3D but close.

The thing that finally tipped me over to this closed source package is
that its native file format is DXF.  No more exporting to DXF.  When the
drawing is saved it is in DXF.  It does several other formats including
AutoCAD .dwg and .pdf.


John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
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