I got my RasPi-based clock to display time last night, so proof-of-concept 
is done.

Right now, I'm using seven b7971 tubes. All of the compute-related stuff is 
done via a 'C' program running on the RasPi. I had planned on adding an 
FPGA to offload the RasPi, but so far I have not seen a need to do that.

Some of the details of the design below. I'll post a photo tonight.

RasPi Zero (yeah, the $10 US board with built-in WiFi), running raspian.
Debian-based tools/env, including gcc, and VNC
Uses wiringPi library to allow software control of the GPIO pins
Two PCB's (each with 4 sockets and current-limited direct-drive b7971 
nixies). Easy to cascade more boards if I could afford more tubes.
Serial interface (clk, data, load) via opto-isolators.
Separate +5VDC (isolated), and +185VDC (NON-isolated) supplies

Everything is working as expected; workload on the Pi is low (about 4% on 
I still need to check supply-margining, signal integrity, add the colons, 
and run it on the AC-line (right now it's on an isolation transformer).
Hooray, no blue wires on the PCB ! Everything worked as expected the first 
There's more work to be done with the programming, such as inserting text 
And of course, I need to make a case for it.

Being able to remotely access it for software development is really handy; 
even after it's locked inside the case I can still login and add features.

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