Thank you for sharing this explicit info.

Are you the person that explained how to depoison a Nixie by running a 
higher-than-normal amperage current during several hours? I had a 
Nixie-reading overdose so I remember the facts but not the authors :-(

I didn't buy the PIR sensor of the PV Electronics kit because I didn't find 
any real-size picture of the sensor, and it looked quite big (and 
aesthetically ugly). At least I couldn't imagine any way to have the PIR 
sensor concealed anywhere... However I would like to include one somehow in 
my RPI clock because I think it would very important for the tubes lifespan.

El viernes, 5 de enero de 2018, 17:56:55 (UTC+1), gregebert escribió:
> My 18-tube IN-18 clock has been running for over 2 years now; the date is 
> displayed on 8 tubes in MM.DD.YYYY format, and those are basically static. 
> Time is on the other 6 in HH:MM:SS format, so not all of them are fully 
> cycled. Each night, at 11PM, the clock does a depoisoning routine for 1 
> hour, then shuts off. In the morning, if we want the clock on, there's an 
> ON button I made from a 'Tomorrowland' souvenir pin. This clock was 
> inspired by the IN-18 clocks in the 2015 movie.
>    - all tubes that are cycled 0-9 multiple times during the day are 
>    simply shut off
>    - all tubes that cycle 0-6 multiple times during the day are cycled 
>    6-9 for 1 hour.
>    - all tubes that are static during the day are cycled 0-9. I should 
>    have put some smarts in the FPGA code to skip the digit that was displayed 
>    that day
> So far, no tubes show abnormalities. One tube has a slight dark region at 
> the very bottom of a few digits, and I've been watching that very carefully 
> fir the past 6 months. So far, it's not degrading any further. Someday I 
> will retrofit out the FPGA and replace it with a RasPi, and fix the 
> depoisoning routine and add a PIR sensor. Yeah, someday.....
> The RasPi-based 7971 clock uses a PIR sensor, so it's mostly off except 
> when I turn over in my sleep or walk into the room. I do plan log the 
> runtime for each segment of each tube, down to the second, and balance-out 
> the usage. I know it's overkill but I like the programming challenge.
> My big clock (pictured in my google icon) has been up for over 4 years, 
> and has static display on the tubes with no depoisonong. 2 have died, and 
> it took awhile to depoison a third one.

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