I just logged into my RasPi-based clock this morning, and got some runtime 

After running for 55 days, the software has used only 17 minutes of CPU 
time, which is roughly 0.02%
Notice that the load "spiked" to 0.37 when I logged-in and created a 
window. Typically, the load is almost zero.

greg@rpi0w002:~ $ uptime
 08:55:38 up 55 days, 20:10,  1 user,  load average: 0.37, 0.14, 0.03

greg@rpi0w002:~ $ ps -elf | grep raspi
4 S greg       393   376  0  80   0 -   474 wait    2017 ?        00:00:00 
/bin/sh -c /proj1/pigpio_b7971clk/src/raspi0w_b7971
0 S greg       396   393  0  80   0 -   737 hrtime  2017 ?        00:17:33 

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