Be careful about simply increasing the inductance, because that can 
actually reduce the amount of energy-per-cycle, hence the power, assuming 
constant frequency.

Energy = 1/2 LI^2, and from V = Ldi/dt , you can infer energy-per-cycle = 
1/2 (V^2) * (T^2)/L

In other words, to increase the energy-per-cycle, you want to increase the 
voltage or the duty-cycle.
If your duty cycle is getting too high, change the inductor to a 
transformer (flyback converter). A transformer is just 2 coupled-inductors, 
and it's fairly easy to model that in SPICE.
Be careful about the coupling factor, because it's not 1.0, and as it's 
reduced you will see increasing spikes across your MOSFET when it switches 


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