The required voltage rating of a cathode driver has been debated in this 
forum a few times. There are 2 opinions that I know of

   - The driver needs to be rated at the full anode-supply voltage
   - The driver only needs to be rated at (Anode_supply_voltage - 

Based on my knowledge of semiconductor physics, it's fine to use a bipolar 
(NPN) cathode driver that is rated at a lower voltage than the anode supply 
because the breakdown mechanism is non-destructive as long as the current 
is limited. When an NPN is off, presumably when it's base terminal is 
grounded (NOT open...), there will not be any current gain from collector 
leakage current, so it will stay off. I suspect an OPEN base could result 
in some visible glow, depending upon the collector leakage current Ico. 
This is why legacy drivers like the K155 or 7441 can drive a nixie that 
requires about 160V even though the IC itself can handle only 50 V.

If you are using a MOSFET as your segment driver, which is typical in IC's, 
then you need to use a driver rated at the full anode supply voltage 
because a MOSFET's construction is sensitive to excess voltage (oxide 
breakdown) as well as current. Long-term overstress of the oxide will cause 
reliability problems and lead to failure.

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