On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 3:57 AM, Dave Shield <d.t.shi...@liverpool.ac.uk> wrote:
> On 7 February 2011 22:11, Brandon Wigfield <bwigfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The directions at http://www.net-snmp.org/docs/perl-SNMP-README.html
>> should tell you how to go about getting that module installed. Keep in
>> mind though that those directions are on how to build the module from
>> the source. In your case you don't really care if you have the latest
>> version just one that works, so pulling the module from CPAN should be
>> a good option for you.
> Hmmm...   I'm not sure that's quite right.
> One thing to bear in mind is that the Net-SNMP perl module
> is effectively just a wrapper round the C library routines.
> So it's important to have a version that is compatible with
> the version of the libraries that you have installed.
> That's why we recommend you use the perl module from the
> same release as the main installation.  (i.e. installed from the
> appropriate source tarball).
>   You might be able to get away with a different version of the
> perl modules from the same branch of the code (the same 5.x line)
> but we wouldn't recommend mixing different major versions
>> With that in mind from a command line you could
>> just run
>> cpan SNMP
> That would presumably install the most recent version from CPAN,
> which seems to be 5.0401   (i.e. 5.4.1)
>   That should probably be OK if you've got a 5.4.x installation,
> but I'm not at all sure whether this would work properly with 5.5 or 5.6
> It's also missing all the perl-related fixes that ha've been added
> in the last three years.
> But if it works for you, then fair enough.
> Dave

As a Perl developer I usually just go for whats in CPAN first because
its just so entrenched in me as the Perl way. I'm assuming that there
has been updates then to the SNMP.pm module since the 5.0401 release.
If so why hasn't the CPAN module been updated, lack of man power? Or
is it the case that its just outright preferred to get it along with
all the rest of netsnmp at the same time.  If there is a desire to get
it updated CPAN  and just lack of someone interested in getting it
packaged I'd be interested in helping with that effort.

Brandon Wigfield

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