Thankyou for your reply to this.

I agree with much of what you say, especially your second paragraph, but
I am going to have to spend a little more time to understand...

My mind just kept getting stuck on the statement "art is not
communication", it is a powerful sentance!

Rene Magritte's "This Is Not A Pipe" painting came to mind not long


On 20/8/2007, "ARN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>james jwm-art net a écrit :
>> i'm getting upset now.
>> can you then just clarify for me this statement:
>>  "art is not communication".
>> art is not just communication?
>> art is not the act of communication?
>> art is not communicating?
>> art does not communicate?
>> ****?????____WHY____?????*****
>> why is art not communication?
>> simple case: artist has idea. artist make art about idea. someone sees
>> art and understands idea about it.
>> so therefor has not the art communicated the idea?
>this simple case is a good example, and yes in this case, art is similar 
>to communication. but i consider this process is one of the less 
>creative process, one of the less able to produce artistic outputs. it's 
>probably more efficient when you have an idea to communicate it with 
>words, write a paper, make a poster or something like that. On the other 
>side, you don't need to have ideas to make art. You can write, draw, 
>paint, make installations or write code without having a special idea to 
>share, you can simply make things, and see then if these things give you 
>ideas. surely they will, and they will give other ideas to other people.
>art is not communication because you can not reduce the artefact to a 
>message, despite what's happening today in many exhibition. you can 
>often hear or read 'the artist in this piece wanted to say ... blah 
>blah...', so we can ask: if the artist wanted to say that, why didn't he 
>just say it ? why did he a piece of art instead ? why was he so silly to 
>confuse the message to transmit with, for example, a such polysemic 
>installation ?
>because for many people, as for many artists, art is communication, art 
>is a media, like another one, and sometimes a piece of art should be a 
>demonstration? why not, but when you have science and communication, why 
>should you still need art ?

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