>Two recent experiences alarmed me.
>One was the apparent possibility to download/transmit to me,
>While in a NM conversation, info I certainly do not appreciate.
>I was able to stop this process halfway. How is that possible?

What was being sent to you? A file? Sending files is part of standard NetMeeting 
capability. If you don't want file transfer to be possible you can control it by 
hosting a meeting -- btw a file on its own can't cause you any problem -- unless it is 
an executable of some kind *and* you run it.

You should have an up to date virus program running and should not run any programs 
from other then reputable sources ( preferably digitally signed) -- to avoid viruses 
and trojans -- you should also run a personal firewall -- especially if you are on a 
permanent full time connection ( ZoneAlarm - from Zone Labs http://www.zonelabs.htm 
works quite well -- but there are other good options from McAfee and Symantec).

>Second was that I was teasing somebody over NM and he
>Treatened me to go after me giving me my IP number as an
>Indication he was serious. He then put some nasty paintings
>On my whiteboard as a flash/preprogrammed and probably was
>Able to destabilize my pc-monitor. 

Whenever you connect directly to anyone with any program your IP is known by the other 
side -- that is the only way the communication can happen. BTW your IP is also often 
in the headers of any email you send and any usenet posting you make ( have a look at 
the headers of the eamil you posted to the list -- your IP address is in it).

Sharing the whiteboard is part of NetMeeting process -- if you don't to want use it 
close it or prevent it opening by hosting a meeting and indicate that only you can 
open. I can't imaginge any way that any particular picture can "destabilize" your 
monitor so whatever you saw was probably more a product of suprise than anything.

If you want to avoid calls with nasty visual suprises don't take calls from strangers 
or make calls to strangers - and don't login to and list your name in ILS servers.

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