Lieko Helmus wrote:
> One was the apparent possibility to download/transmit to me,
> While in a NM conversation, info I certainly do not appreciate.

Have you read the help system yet?  If you are going to use the program,
you should take the time to understand it and know how to use it, and
how to avoid misusing it.

> Second was that I was teasing somebody over NM and he
> Treatened me to go after me giving me my IP number as an

If it was a stranger, you deserve what you get.  The internet is a
community, and when you enter it, you ARE in a public space.  You might
want to pretend you are hidden and can do what you want, but that is not
so.  You are broadcasting your information, and only the fact that the
other computers don't pay attention to you gives the illusion that you
have a private connection.

You don't have a private connection, no one ever said you did, and no
one will guarantee that you do.

If it was a friend, pick better friends.

> I have cable-internet so a permanent IP.
> These experiences really frightens me and I would like to have
> Instructions for better protection.

Behave better.  I am polite to people in public, and so they let me go
about my business.  When I harass them, I deserve their response.

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