Microphones or headsets is a difficult story here in the Netherlands.
My very simple headset, which I got along with my Target speakerboxe,
is connected to my pc via mini-jackets. I think they are called that way.
I would certainly try an alternative if I'm sure it's a big improvement.
But microphones/headsets seems to be a gray area and difficult to get
when you want to connect them to yr pc. I wonder what is used in
this Shure Condersor 16 AM mike.


Liekele (Lieko) Helmus & Rinske Helmus-Deutekom
Siriusstraat 52, NL-1223 AP Hilversum, the Netherlands
31(0)35 6858 675 (+voicemail)   Fax 31(0)20 8848 931(fax2pc) 
gsm 06 28184122 (+SMS)          NetMeeting (+Webcam)

I use a Shure Condenser microphone Model 16AM. It is a professional grade
microphone   and you better have a SoundBlaster  card--I have the AWE64. You
will not find this microphone in computer supply stores. After much
research, I ordered it directly from Shure at their web site. For me the
quality of the sound is so superior to the Logitech or any of the PC quality
microphones. Be prepared, it is not cheap
A good microphone does make a difference and the Shure is the only
professional grade unit made that is made for use with PC's. Good luck.
SuzieQ,Little Bit and Ira
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 3:40 AM
Subject: [NetMeeting] Microphones

I have just started to use NetMeeting version 3.01, and so far it works
quite well.  But, with the following provisos.

1..The audio seems to be very "woolly" and imprecise.  Would this be down
to the quality or type of microphone I am using.  Can anyone recommend a
microphone that will give good results?

2.  I have great problems in reaching specific servers.  i.e.
"ils.demon.co.uk " is a server I can hardly ever connect to.  Is this usual?

3.  Is it possible to somehow "Filter out" the porn and sex sites using
something like an E mail filter such as those used on Eudora or Outlook
Peter James

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