The Shure has no problems with room size and is excellent on noise
canceling. I also have found it to be excellent with Dragon Naturally
Speaking Preferred. Everyone I send "TalkSender" messages remarks about the
clarity of the voice. Microphones do have an effect as far as echoing and
noise cancellation. Until you try a good unit you really can't hear any
difference. With a good mike, headphones are not that important. Time for me
to end my part of this thread--enjoyed it.
SuzieQ,Little Bit and Ira
----- Original Message -----
From: "Derek R. Flickinger - iHi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 8:58 AM
Subject: RE: [NetMeeting] Microphones

We also have had excellent success with the Telex M-560 super-directional
USB microphones (about $60 from CDW).  They also work well for speech
recognition applications.  It is recommended that they be used in a room
with more than 64 square feet at a distance from 12 to 36 inches.  Of
course, using headphones instead of speakers helps a lot with the echo

We also like using a Roland AudioCanvas, which acts like a USB-based I/O
audio device (although it currently does not work with Windows 2000 or
Windows Me).  It has a standard 1/4" high impedance mic input and another
that can be switched between guitar or mic.  It allows us to use any
high-quality mic and add effects like reverb and compression either manually
or via computer control.  These run about $400 without the mike, however.



Derek R. Flickinger

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ira Potell
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 08:19
Subject: Re: [NetMeeting] Microphones

I use a Shure Condenser microphone Model 16AM. It is a professional grade
microphone   and you better have a SoundBlaster  card--I have the AWE64. You
will not find this microphone in computer supply stores. After much
research, I ordered it directly from Shure at their web site. For me the
quality of the sound is so superior to the Logitech or any of the PC quality
microphones. Be prepared, it is not cheap
A good microphone does make a difference and the Shure is the only
professional grade unit made that is made for use with PC's. Good luck.
SuzieQ,Little Bit and Ira
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 3:40 AM
Subject: [NetMeeting] Microphones

I have just started to use NetMeeting version 3.01, and so far it works
quite well.  But, with the following provisos.

1..The audio seems to be very "woolly" and imprecise.  Would this be down
to the quality or type of microphone I am using.  Can anyone recommend a
microphone that will give good results?

2.  I have great problems in reaching specific servers.  i.e.
" " is a server I can hardly ever connect to.  Is this usual?

3.  Is it possible to somehow "Filter out" the porn and sex sites using
something like an E mail filter such as those used on Eudora or Outlook
Peter James

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