The Last Call for this document has completed with *no* responses, other than 
Benoit's question regarding if it should be a BCP, which also had no responses, 
other than my own wondering if YANG (and hence the guidelines) was stable 

Lou and I discussed.  It is our opinion that, given the nature of this 
document, the WG implicitly supports it already.  So, really, the only thing 
that matters, is if there are any issues/concerns.  Since no issues/concerns 
were raised, we choose to declare the Last Call successful.  As for promoting 
it to a BCP, there appears to be no consensus to do so at this time.   
Accordingly, as the document shepherd, I plan to send the shepherd write-up 
(with these comments included) to the AD in the next few days.

Looking forwards, we've created a new GitHub repo called "guidelines-next" 
(modeled after yang-next) to capture on-going comments/suggestions for future 
updates to the document:

Kent (and Lou)

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