On 28 Apr 2011 Tim Powys-Lybbe  wrote:

> On 27 Apr at 19:49, Michael Drake <t...@netsurf-browser.org> wrote:

>> In article <2a18a0ca51.r...@user.minijem.plus.com>,
>>    Richard Porter <r...@minijem.plus.com> wrote:
>>> I don't like it either, especially if the image dimensions are
>>> specified. It would be better to truncate or wrap the text if it
>>> doesn't fit.
>> Please try r12243.

> I suspect this bear of little brain needs some assistance here:

> As I understandf it, the latest version on the NetSurf download site
> <http://www.netsurf-browser.org/downloads/riscos/testbuilds> is
> recompiled, possibly with new version numbers, at least once a day.  I
> can see no mean of precisely downloading r12243.  Can someone advise on
> how I may do this?

r12243 happened to be the current dev version when I downloaded it 
yesterday. If it's now been superseded I guess the new version will 
still have the improvements.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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