On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 01:03:14PM +0100, Tim Powys-Lybbe wrote:
> > Just download the current build.  You can see what rev it's up to from
> > the entries under "Recent SVN Activity" further down the page: as I
> > write this, the latest entry there is still r12243.  However, as
> > Richard says, later builds (ie ones with higher 'r' numbers) will
> > still contain the same changes unless one of the developers
> > specifically undoes them again for some reason.
> And the last sentence confirms the problem.  There is no means of
> actually downloading any specific revision number and instructions to do
> so are plain misleading.  Or do I have this wrong?

If a developer deliberately reverts a change, you most likely wouldn't
want it anyway.  But such back-tracking are rare.


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