At the moment, nettime is largely unmoderated, with a very small number
of people set to manual approval by the moderators.

The difficult part is, of course, to decide when to put someone on
"moderation watch". Personally, I've been quite reluctant to do that,
not for some absolutist notion of free speech -- there is no right to
attack and denigrate people, no right to produce confusion and hatred,
and no right to bore everyone to death with belaboring the same points.
Also, nettime still has a collective focus, which involves trying to
think through the contemporary condition from a point of view of
producers of media culture (if such a thing can be still delineated).

The reason I'm reluctant to do is that I think it's better to draw such
boundaries collectively, to use these moments to rethink what the list
is. This is, admittedly, a somewhat "inefficient" approach and it often
creates not very productive loops until everyone gets so annoyed that
they speak up, but I personally don't know a better way.

So, please help us to respond more quickly by speaking up on the list or
sending us private mails.


On 06.11.18 12:19, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:
> friends, i'm an active lurker on this list since 1996; my answer to
> angela's question ("What is Nettime's policy on whether or not it should
> give fascists a platform from which to recruit?") would be that
> "nettime" probably doesn't have a "policy" on anything, other than the
> openness to questions; i'm sure there are people here who can put this
> in a more nuanced theoretical language, but i imagine the list and the
> discourse it supports as "in flux" and as something that takes its shape
> through the things that people write, and through the ways in which they
> respond to each other. - in the given case, the point for me would be
> not to ask what some (general) "policy" might be, but to state clearly
> and concretely that i'm against allowing anything that smacks of fascist
> trolling or recruitment. a statement like this constitutes the quality
> of this list which has, as its "policy", only a certain, vague
> collective spirit which requires critical voices like angela's to
> express their opinion. therefore: i support ted's decision to moderate
> some of the contributions since, given 22 years of trust-building, i
> believe he is acting in the spirit of the list and the discourse it
> serves to constitute.
> (not sure whether this is an answer to julia's question.)
> regards,
> -a
> Am 05.11.18 um 01:57 schrieb Julia Röder:
>> about that
>>  > dear angela,
>>  > relax dear.
>>  > it is ok.
>>  > noone is recruiting anyone here.
>>  > chill.
>>  > best,
>>  > w
>> so, is that it? silence about this from the whole list except from
>> angela?
>> do you all not say anything because you think this is trolling or this
>> is normal??

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