> >...a brilliant and utterly coruscating essay published in the NY Times by
> Pankaj Mishra a writer and polemicist from India who situates the crisis in
> English post-colonial delusion <
> Thanks, David. You are right that Brexit is the UK's post-imperial
> hangover come home to roost. Have spent my adult life waiting for Brits to
> wake up in this regard and I am not convinced that even this will do the
> job. In the early twentieth century, the strongest political  and
> intellectual opposition to the Empire came from Ireland, India and South
> Africa and the first two are still the best source. Apart from Pankaj
> Mishra, Fintan O'Toole is keeping up the good work with his book, Heroic
> Failure: Brexit and the politics of pain. Ireland is noted for its literary
> Nobel prize-winners and he is well up to standard. His latest article came
> out today:
> https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jan/18/europe-brexit-britain-state-politics-fit-for-purpose

O'Toole's point -- that Brexit was never about Europe, but rather about the
home political dispensation -- is one that I have been making for two
decades. I call it the creeping constitutional crisis of the cruel
historical experiment, the United Kingdom. I wrote "Where once was an
empire" soon after the 2016 referendum result:



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Keith Hart
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