On 2019-01-28 03:39, Heiko Recktenwald wrote:
Am 18/01/19 um 16:48 schrieb James Wallbank:

Thanks for this summary David, I'd suggest that it's broadly accurate.

Some of you may have noticed that Brexit has pretty much incinerated
my social media presence (which used to focus on the impacts of
digital engagement and transformation on the arts, culture, and
locality,(plus a smattering of green issues). Now its focus is almost
exclusively the madness of Brexit, which I can only interpret as the
national equivalent of a nervous breakdown.

For me the basic problem is direct democracy as in referendum. And
second referendum. It may be unpopular because direct democracy looks
like the non plus ultra of democracy but Brexit shows that the non plus
ultra of democracy is the sovereignty of parliament. Also as far as a
second referendum is concerned. All that is necessary for "remain" is a
decision by a simple majority of MPs.

"Direct democracy", is this a fashion of politicians without
responbibility or a principle of constitutional law of the UK? Like the
sovereignty of parliament. Maybe we should rethink democracy once more.
Is direct democracy good in all cases? Obviously not.

Best, H.

Heiko's remarks completely bypasses the fact (sorry, it's a fact) that the British 'Brexit' referendum was a clusterfaktap of major magnitude (& probably 'deliberate by default') in terms of how a real, valid referendum should be prepared and organised, even if you don't have the Swiss experience in running one.

These two opinion pieces, highlighting the differences between the Irish abortion referendum ('in the end the people knew what they were voting for') and the British one (obfuscation central) should settle the score:



True democracy is direct democracy, difficult to handle as it is. Representative democracy, unless representatives are kept at a short leash by their constituents - never mind how representative a first pass the post system is - is a snapshot at best, and an elected dictatorship at worst.

Cheers to all, p+2D!
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