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[38] Letter to Red News
Posted Friday, May 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
Red News

I'd appreciate it if you could publicise the attached letter recently sent to Karl 
Evans ( Peter Kenyon etc) regarding the  proposed away ticket fiasco. We can't have a 
wait and see attitude. We need to act now before it's too late.

Karl Evans
Ticket and Membership Office
Manchester United FC
Old Trafford
M16 ORA                                                                                
 xxx May 2002

Dear Mr Evans
Away Ticket Application ñ Season 2002/2003

I am extremely concerned at the new proposals for a fully automated random ballot for 
away ticket applications commencing season 2002/2003. It appears that what you are 
proposing is that no account will be taken of previous seasonís applications and that 
no continuing account will be taken of applications. Consequently an individual can 
apply for say City away and apply for no other matches and indeed have never applied 
for a match on a previous occasion, and still have an equal chance of a ticket as 
someone who has not missed an away match for five years, 10 years, 15 years etc.

I am aware that your response will be that a random ballot already exists. This is 
clearly not true as anyone with GCSE Maths and a rudimentary knowledge of probability 
will know that the chances of all regular match going fans only missing out on an 
average of 2 to 3 tickets per year is nigh on impossible.

It has been argued that you are trying to make the system fairer. This is clearly 
untrue as executive and club class members will still apply in the usual manner and 
receive an inordinately large away ticket allocation. This is despite the fact that 
executive facilities relate only to Old Trafford and not to away matches. Nor, can it 
be fair to discriminate against fans that regularly travel to all away matches in 
favour of those who only wish to support the team at big- ticket games. How will you 
reward us for travelling to watch the youngsters play Sunderland away on a Tuesday 
night in November in the Worthington Cup.

I believe Alex Ferguson, the team and even yourselves will recognise that the away 
support is the most loyal and vociferous in the premiership. Will you aim to destroy 
this last remaining bastion of hard- core United support?

I look forward to receiving your considered response and I am copying this letter to 
Peter Kenyon, Paddy Haverson, IMUSA, RED News and Red Issue in the vain hope that you 
will take account of these representative views.
As a last point if you really want a fairer system letís consider the following 
approach which, is operated by the membership office for European Away Games:

Account will be taken of fans that have regularly travelled to away matches over the 
past seasons and those who miss matches in the current season will accordingly fall 
down the pecking order.

All classes of fans will receive a proportionate allocation of away tickets i.e. if 
10% of ground is executive class then they will receive a 10% allocation of away 

I look forward to receiving your reply.

Yours sincerely


cc. Peter Kenyon
     Paddy Haverson
     Red News
     Red Issue

[37] Barthez praises Fergie
Posted Friday, May 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
"At the end of the day, he (Ferguson) is the best coach I have ever worked for. For 15 
minutes, the boss says all he has to say and then he is finished and smiles again. He 
has this smile which makes the players feel so good. During my season, I had six 
months that were very difficult until December. I had a very bad period.  Still today 
I do not consider that I am playing well and that my form is good. But in football, as 
in every part of your life, things can change quickly.  In some ways, I don't like to 
talk about it, but you have to be honest.  The reaction of the fans of United during 
my problems was fantastic. They love me and Manchester United and respect the players."

[36] Exclusive - Becks to sign
Posted Friday, May 10, 2002 by redend:

A RED NEWS snout tells us he has heard Becks will sign by tomorrow barring any last 
minute hitches.

You heard it here first.

[35] We lied
Posted Friday, May 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
THIS is the final plug of the season (we think). End of season Red News special. Just 
£2 and on sale tomorrow. David May interview, revelations about the new away ticket 
scheme, an innocent Red detained after the game in Germany, 1976 and all that, great 
Utd atmospheres, exclusive gossip, end of season memories, end of season report and 
much, much more. Find a seller down Sir Matt Busby Way and make the world a happier 

[34] Ole on tomorrow
Posted Friday, May 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
"We need to put on a good show for the supporters. We've let them down, we've let the 
manager down, we've let ourselves down. The players need to show the manager we're 
good enough to play in the red and white kit."

[33] Ole rues missed chances
Posted Friday, May 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I've got two chances in my head. The one against Leverkusen when I shot over, and the 
one against Derby when I hit the inside of the post. I think those two chances will 
stick with me for a long while. If you think about scoring goals it has been my best 
season, but I won nothing. I'm very, very disappointed."

This email has been filtered for swear words which cause some email systems to block 

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