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[14] Giggs gutted
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:
A clearly annoyed and upset Gigg was interviewed on MUTV last night - looking gutted 
about the Bayer elimination. Amongst the many things he said was that only "Keany" 
deserved to go through as all the other players "didn't play to their capabilities". 
The players have to work out why that is.

[13] More Neville - United first
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:
“I sat down with the doctors and went through the best and worst-case scenarios. 
Playing in the World Cup finals is one of the biggest honours any footballer can have, 
but I couldn’t justify the risks. I was told that the consequences of refracturing the 
foot could be serious and affect me for months and even most of next season. I have to 
consider my long-term health and future. I was advised that it would be more realistic 
to try to be fit for the beginning of next season because the break is not 
run-of-the-mill.  It is a huge disappointment, but I didn’t want it to drag on and 
make life difficult for the manager and I have to do the right thing for myself and 

[12] Bayer boss gets summer offer
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:
Klaus Toppmoeller offered to manage Nigeria in the World Cup after knocking us out

"It's true and I haven't booked a holiday yet. But it would be difficult to take on 
this task because we [Leverkusen] will be playing until May 15. But I will talk with 
the gentlemen from the Nigerian Football Association again." 

[11] FIFA in turmoil
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From the Telegraph

'SEPP BLATTER yesterday rejected a call by several of his vice-presidents to resign as 
FIFA president following detailed evidence presented by his own general secretary, 
Michel Zen Ruffinen, that he had allegedly made improper use of FIFA funds and 
violated FIFA rules and regulations during his four years in the post.'

[10] If you are having a bet today
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:
On the Cup Final (and how you wish we'd have looked more up for it against Boro and 
had something to go for today), then use our betting partners, Sporting Odds (link 
below) which helps the cause.

[9] United supporters 5-a-side tournament
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:

2nd Annual Manchester United Supporters 5 a'side Tournament
to be held once again at 'Blackpool' 
Saturday 6th July
£75 per team

for an application form please call 01253 300250 or e'mail

[8] Irwin wants to stop Arsenal
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:
"We have Arsenal coming next Wednesday so we will be ready for that. Arsenal here is a 
big, big game for us. We want to win that and make them have to win their last game at 
home. That's all we can do. We don't want them to win the title at Old Trafford."

[7] More from Gary Nev
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:
 "I have had a long conversation with the club doctor and surgeon and decided that I 
will not be fit for the finals. I was holding out some hope but having discussed it 
with the people at the club I know I will not get back by June...so I just want to 
concentrate on not missing any of next season."

[6] Henry on us and Wenger
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:
"Now, we are in such a strong position. United, Liverpool and Newcastle have been 
tremendous. We have 81 points but we are still not champions. It is not just us. The 
four teams have made the league enjoyable. But we are close and it will be a triumph 
for everyone, particularly Arsene Wenger. He doesn't show his emotions at all. I think 
there are a lot of emotions inside there, I really do. But he doesn't show it. Not to 
the fans or even the team. But that is good for us. It doesn't put pressure on us."

[5] Henry confident
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:
"So, I am desperate to win both the cup and the title. The confidence is so good at 
Arsenal at the moment but we have not achieved anything yet. The title is not far off, 
of course. If you do not have big confidence now, then we will never have it. We may 
as well stop playing football. We are in the FA Cup final and are five points clear of 
Manchester United. We would have settled for this at the start of the season."

[4] Moments of the season
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:
Well it’s been the most ‘interesting’ season for a while. Fergie’s going and  we’re 
witnessing the crumbling of an empire (© Mirror - w***ers).  Fergie  staying and we’re 
looking at a good few seasons to come - being red, fantastic.

Villa Park has to be one of the best days. A good craic, seven hours  drinking and 
then a win in the way only United can, also deliberately  getting in front of the 
dibble with the video camera when filming those on  the pitch didn’t please him too 
much, arf!

Constant source of annoyance for me and for many reds this year has to been  the 
amount of kn*bs following United in Europe these days. Just what these clueless little 
w***ers were doing in the middle of Oporto,  singing “if it wasn’t for the English 
you’d be Krauts” is anyone’s guess.

Judging  by the “4-4-2” chants in Nantes, I realise that these most knowledgeable of  
footballing brains are probably a dab hand when it comes to Championship  manager on 
their PC, however can they take their extensive football  knowledge and trophy haul to 
the United board along with their CV and get Mr 
Ferguson out of a job as it is clear he’s been wrong all this time; failing  that can 
we strangle these f***ers with their flags so we don’t have to see or hear them again.


Shouting at Karembou to " F**k of back to Milli Vanilli, you cheating c**t!!" Which 
dark recess of my addled mind that came from I will never know!

Arsenal away in the Worthless. Forget the scoreline, Our kids did us proud as did the 
assembled Red Army.

The Brummie Reds (You know who you are!!)


p.s. Winning the league on the last day on goal difference (Fingers crossed anyway )


[3] Di Canio interest reignited?
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:
According to the Mirror, Fergie will again try for Di Canio.

[2] gary Nev on World Cup heartbreak
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I've decided I won't be fit in time to play in the first game in June. I've spoken to 
Sven-Goran Eriksson and obviously I'm disappointed. But it's something I've come to 
terms with pretty quickly after last week after getting the injury. It's something I 
can't do anything about and it is a big disappointment. But the most important thing 
for me is to be fit for Manchester United for the start of next season."

Gary Neville is a Red...

[1] new Red News out on Wednesday
Posted Saturday, May 4, 2002 by bar-knee:
Our end of season special is out on Wednesday, just £2. The print run is low because 
we've got just two games to sell it at - so help the cause and bag a copy. Thanks.

[42] New Red News out on Wednesday
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
Remember the Red News end of season special is out on Wednesday. Just £2 - three euro 
aways reviewed (inlcuding a report from one of the lads detained in Cologne after the 
game and his complaints of the treatment received by innocent Reds), an interview with 
a player, end of season review, exclusive gossip and much, much more. Help the Red 
News cause and buy the end of season special.

[41] American Tour
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
We're making tentative plans for a few of the RN lads to go to the American Tour next 
summer. Just a few of us travelling around, living it up. If you're interested contact 

[40] FA on Becks
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
FA head of communications Paul Newman said: 

"This is obviously very encouraging news. We hope that David's recovery continues at 
this pace in advance of the World Cup finals."

[39] Becks healing
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
United statement on Becks

"Beckham's latest X-ray, taken this week, has shown that there are signs that his bone 
is healing satisfactorily."

[38] Euro 2000 conviction to be overturned?
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'A football fan found guilty of hooliganism during Euro 2000 says he is "cautiously 
optimistic" about overturning his conviction after Belgian laws used to prosecute him 
were declared illegal.

Mark Forrester, of Great Barr, Birmingham, will have to take his bid to clear his name 
to the European Court of Appeal.

The 35-year-old hopes his legal challenge against his conviction for assaulting police 
has been given a better chance of success after the Belgian Constitutional Court 
struck out special legal measures used to convict him.

He was tried under a fast-track system approved by the Belgian parliament, which did 
not allow for any defence evidence, in anticipation of mass arrests at the tournament.

A Belgian police officer gave evidence that Mr Forrester incited rioting and attacked 
officers on the eve of the England v Germany match in Brussels.

A subsequent appeal in which police video footage was shown revealed he was on the 
fringe of the skirmishes.

Mr Forrester, a plant hire manager, said he had only found permanent work last month 
after battling against his conviction for the past two years.

He was handed a one-year jail sentence, half of it suspended for three years, which 
was upheld on appeal on the grounds that although the video evidence did not 
conclusively prove that he was rioting, neither did it prove he was not.

Mr Forrester and his legal team have subsequently launched a prosecution against the 
police officer who testified against him at his original trial, claiming his evidence 
amounts to perjury.

His father, Carl Forrester, 54, who lives in Redditch, Worcestershire, has sold his 
house to help meet the costs of clearing his son's name, which are expected to top 

[37] Silly Becks story of the day
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
PA story

'David Beckham looks to have broken the world record for the number of email birthday 
greetings sent to a celebrity.

The footballer received 4,461 messages from fans on his 27th birthday on May 2.

The record is currently held by his wife Victoria for her 26th birthday in April 2000 
with 2,600 emails.'

[36] Fergie optimistic
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
“I am more positive about what we can do in Europe now than I was a year ago. We have 
corrected a lot of things from the previous seasons. I think it has been a really good 
European campaign. We have improved from the previous two years and there have been 
some great performances. But you can’t cloud over the main issue from the semi-final 
and that was we didn’t play as well as we had the rest of the tournament. We possibly 
missed key players in the Old Trafford first leg like Roy Keane and David Beckham who 
have great assurance about them. That would have put us through. We didn’t carry the 
luck in terms of chances either. When you have four shots knocked off the line like in 
Germany you know it is not your night.

Then Ole Gunnar Solskjaer had a chance. You hope that he is the one who gets that kind 
of a chance because normally he knocks them away easily. If you analyse it, Fabien 
Barthez didn’t have one save to make in Germany or at Old Trafford and we were in 
front three times. There are positive things you can take out of it and some things 
you can be critical about. Things that we should be doing better. We’ll address them.

I know the media have had a go. They’ve slaughtered us. But we can’t allow that to 
confuse or derail us. We are better trusting our own judgment of the situation and we 
are certainly not all bad. We know what we have got to do and have known it for quite 
a while. We’ve done a lot this season.“We have had a lot of fantastic escapades in 
Europe. The fans know that themselves. You can’t kid them. They will have enjoyed a 
lot of it.

We are still the team who try to win and I am proud of that.”

[35] Sven on Gary Nev blow
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
"This is a cruel blow not only for Gary Neville but also for England. Gary is not just 
a very good football player but he has also been a loyal member of the team. I feel 
very sorry for him. Competing at a World Cup is the pinnacle of any player's career 
and there are not that many opportunities to take part in the finals. For Gary to lose 
out at this time is obviously a huge disappointment to us all."

[34] better news for Becks though?
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From MEN

'Meanwhile, there was better news for Manchester United’s other metatarsal victim 
David Beckham. Following an x-ray today, it has been confirmed that the England 
skipper is well on the road to recovery. '

[33] Gary Nev out of World Cup
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
"Following discussions between Gary Neville, the Manchester United medical staff and 
the club's orthopaedic consultant, it has been agreed that, even with the most 
optimistic prognosis, Gary will not reach full match fitness by the start of the World 
Cup. Consequently Gary has decided to notify the England manager of his unavailability 
for the squad. He felt it would have been unfair on the other players and everyone 
involved with the England set-up to wait for three more weeks before knowing for sure."

[33] Anonymous man slates Arsenal Cup bid
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
Ok with us then

Szilard Nemeth.

"Arsenal will be Premiership Champions, but not the Cup. We should have gone into the 
finals, not Arsenal. They were lucky."

[32] Stam - United the best
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
"Although I have made it clear before that I do not want to leave the club, I think it 
is time to lay these rumours to rest once and for all. The latest clubs I have been 
linked to are Newcastle and Juventus, with my Dutch team-mate Edgar Davids heading in 
the opposite direction. To think two such important clubs could be interested in me, 
especially after missing so much of the season through suspension, is incredibly 
flattering - but I cannot see me signing for either. I know Newcastle have qualified 
for the Champions League next season, which is a great achievement, and Juve will also 
be there, but Lazio is still the club for me. Admittedly, Lazio will not be in the 
Champions League and we are not yet even guaranteed a place in the Uefa Cup, but that 
does not change my feelings. Perhaps people hope I will change my mind, but they 
obviously do not know me very well. After all, as far as the Premiership goes, I have 
played for the best team in the league and a move to any oth!
er club in England would be a step down, which I am not prepared to take."

[31] Stam unhappy about our Euro exit
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I was surprised to see Man United fail to reach the Champions League final on Tuesday 
night. Bayer Leverkusen are a good outfit, but I was surprised that my old team-mates 
were not able to translate their superior talent into a place in the final. I'm sure 
they will all be very down now because I, like a lot of other people, really thought 
it could be United's year again. Despite leaving the club in unhappy circumstances, I 
wanted to see United in the final and I think they would have had a great chance 
against Real Madrid. With the added power of Ruud van Nistelrooy up front, the squad 
was looking perhaps even stronger than it did three years ago and I'm sure no-one 
would have predicted it would be Leverkusen and not United who would go through."

[30] Cole wants Yorke at Rovers
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
 "I would definitely welcome a move for Dwight Yorke. It would create extra 
competition for places and he'd be another quality addition. If you want to progress 
in this league, rather than stand still, then you have to bring in quality players. If 
the manager bought him, or anyone else of that quality, then that could only help the 
team and the club next season. We had a great understanding of how each other played. 
That's what made the partnership, the fact our understanding was so good and we scored 
quite a few goals as a result. People might say he's nearly 30 and has done that and 
the other, but you're not going to buy many 26 or 27-year-olds with either his 
experience or quality. That's what people have to realise."

[29] Scouse song shocker
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
More on that Riise daft song

'This was first heard in Scotland. Theiving scousers again.


With "his" song the topic of conversation. can you put my version on the website...

Oh John Arne Riise...ooh ha
I want to know oh oh
why you've won f**k all

Let's get singing it before the season is out...

coggie the red'

[28] Our story confirmed
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
This in from Stretford_Red who lives in New York, confirming our earlier story.

'As a red exiled in New York for a couple of years I had the opportunity to ring 
Champions World this morning, the company promoting our tour to the states next 
summer. The lad on the phone just confirmed what that guy who works for Budweiser 
said. We are definitely not going to be playing Major League Soccer teams. The names 
he mentioned were also Ireland and
Real Madrid. What a p**s up this is gonna be. 4 o'clock in the morning opening hours 
in the pubs! Can't wait.

[27] Song that never was?
Posted Friday, May 3, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From RN reader Andy about story 13

'The sad as f'**k hey baby song actually comes from the goal Riise scored against 
Bayern in the super cup (you know the one which was part of their glorious 5 trophies 
in 6 months, snigger). The mickies were singing it as Riise was lining up the kick 
against us, but they like to change the past to suit them don't they, and as scoring 
against us is far more worthy than the Super Cup....'

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