So who here has done a ferry crossing on a bike?  As I mentioned in
the Iron Butt\random topic thread I wanted to take a day trip up to
Canada and then take a ferry back across old Erie to Sandusky and then
home.  I discovered the ferry only runs to Sandusky through the end of
September and won't run again til April.  I want to get at least one
long trip in on my first bike before it goes onto a new owner so I
want to try and do it here in the next two weeks.  So my question is;
how are ferry crossings on a bike trip?  Any big do's or don'ts?  What
sort of items do you recommend bringing other than the tool kit and
some cash?  Should I stuff my pants with pillows so my butt doesn't
try and strangle me when I get home?

It's about only 4:30 minutes from my house to the dock on the Canadian
side if I go by way of Detroit.  Then 1:30 on the ferry to Pelee
island, I have 2 hours to kill there sight seeing, then another 1:30
to Sandusky and an 1:40 home on the bike.


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