
On 22/06/14 16:41, Florian Friesdorf wrote:

>> Personally, I would try to do all work from that substituteAll point in 
>> derivations and not through nix strings (i.e. catenate by cat command).

Right. Doing large string rewrites at evaluation time is a bad idea because it's

> I've got a working solution:
> https://github.com/chaoflow/nixpkgs/blob/2efc8fe32239cccab0e1b89b3c0983a2857dd128/nixos/tests/python.nix#L23
> Should I move replaceSubstring and interpolateAtAtVars to
> lib/strings.nix?

At first glance, these functions seem pretty slow to me (since they use
splitString). So it's probably not a good idea to add them to the standard
library (and I'd prefer removing splitString from there).

Eelco Dolstra | LogicBlox, Inc. | http://nixos.org/~eelco/
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