On 06/25/2014 11:52 AM, Florian Friesdorf wrote:
Am I correct that my solution performs about as good as the in-place
testScripts for tests/installer.nix which us ${ } and that as Vlada said
this would be bad within pkgs.* but okish within nixos/tests?

I think so (from my previous skim).

Would caching of function values within nix be an option, so that
caching does not only happen via the store?

The value is cached within a single nix evaluation run. If we wanted to cache expensive subexpression values between runs, we would need to store them in nix store (or something similar)... that seems like a quite complex project, although perhaps feasible.

Recursive nix might be a better way, as it's already implemented IIRC, but there's still the inherent complexity of (the first) evaluation, which is not nice and not expected by the current design.


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