I have used VMWare in the past.  That was because the platform that
development work was being done on was very unstable.  With VMWare at
least when something crashes you can take the image that just blew up or
the earlier image and start again without the 'you moved your mouse
please reload' syndrome.

Why I would like to go to another virtual platform for some of what I
have running is another story.  I have seven machines that are mission
critical.  Any one going down means I get a headache to deal with that
has to be back to running immediately.  The neat thing about a virtual
platform is you can have things set up in a virtual environment so when
the hardware fails the task moves to the hardware that is still working.
A rack with a few blade servers is also less expensive on the power

All that said, I don't yet have the option to go to a virtual
environment.  I do have a backup plan, but it is apparent when an event
happens that takes those boxes down.  


On Thu, 2008-11-06 at 16:24 -0600, andrew mcelroy wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am not trying to start a flame war or a rant, but I am trying to get
> a feel for what Open Source virtualization solutions are actually
> used.
> Currently I have a few servers virtualized inside Xen.
> However, I keep hearing that KVM is "the way to go"TM for hosting
> websites if you must stick to something open source.
> The purpose of these virtualized servers are to serve out either
> wordpress mu sites or ruby on rails sites.
> In the arena of hosting I have ran across OpenVZ, KVM and Xen.
> I was wondering what everyone is using and why.
> Andrew McElroy
> > 

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