Personally I still stay away from Segate but I have no real valid reason to
as I’ve not owned one since 2006.  But the darlin of /r/DataHorder is the
WD MyBook 8tb.  Since they regularly go on sale for as low as 149.  And
inside is a WD red label drive (their NAS drive).  Now not every drive is
alike as some are white label reds and others have the 3.3v reset rail and
such like that.  There’s a great thread pinned at the top of that subreddit
about them.  But for just big ol storage, hard to beat.  If you are into
shucking them and putting into a NAS or even server with NAS software its
hard to beat as well.

New model with the ‘white label reds'

Old model I’ve bought way too many of with real red label reds

I’ve never used one of these inside the case but many have.  If you were
just going usb theres little difference between those two models.  If
looking to shuck them and use  the bare drives they are a little
different.  The subreddit will lead ya down that road.  Either way both are
crazy cheap for 8tb of single spindle.

Also… RAID isn’t backup ;) something thats sometimes hard to remember by
the best of us.

Kevin Hart

On July 19, 2018 at 3:11:59 PM, Paul Boniol ( wrote:

Considering buying an external hard drive, primary use would be DVR (from
Mythbuntu).  Any preferences between Western Digital and Segate?  I've seen
about as many reviews saying "this drive failed after x months, lost my
data, had to spend hours on the phone, and I had to pay shipping to get it
replaced under warranty" on both.

I've been considering a new computer as the existing is many years old now,
and had some issues turning it on occasionally when it gets turned off.
(So power supply likely starting to go.)

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