On Jan 16, 2009, at 8:01 AM, ciara belle wrote:

> if that is the case than changing to the next line down in the list of
> splits should change the 'total' box? -- however it does not...
> selecting the various items in the split transaction list does not
> change any item above... and it seems to pick one at random to show
> (for example right now on one transaction its showing the 3rd split...
> and will not show any other when i select)

No, the total will never change unless you change it. Splits were  
designed to make quick entry of a split transaction:

  1. Create a transaction for $200 and assign to Groceries bucket
  2. Decide to make it a split, click Create Split
  3. Change the first amount to $150 (because that actually what was  
spent on groceries)
  4. Set the next line bucket to Education and change the amount to  
$30 (what we spent on supplies)
  5. The remaining line is now at $20, which is our cash back so we  
check the "cash only" checkbox

The idea was to avoid as much math as possible and just allow you to  
enter the amount you spent on each successive bucket and let MoneyWell  
set the new line to the remainder. It's rare that I wouldn't know the  
total but would only know the breakdowns and want to put those in to  
add up to a total. I hope this makes sense.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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