The amount is not picked at random. If you see the split table then  
this is the split parent and also the first split line. The selection  
in the split table cannot drive the upper entries or it would also  
take you off the parent.

The split children can be selected in the Transaction list to the left.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 19, 2009, at 6:02 AM, ciara belle <> wrote:

> there are two marked total -- split total - which i understand
> completely... and the total closer to the top of the screen.. which is
> actually to correct myself (sigh) called Amount..   That amount field
> is easily understood when there are no splits.. however when there ARE
> splits.. the amount picks a Split line at Random.. and displays
> that...   If you select ANOTHER split line in the transacation - NONE
> of the items above change (amount, bucket, memo..) - which i would
> have expected to change when selecting a different split line...
> Since screen realestate is so small on the split area - many times you
> cannot see the whole bucket, memo, amount in the split area - i
> thought that the upper transaction area should change ...
> Also - on the Main Register -- when the transaction is Split -- it
> shows the SAME bucket was in the randomly chosen split line (for
> amount at the top)...  what it should say is SPLIT or some such.. to
> alert you that you have to examine that transaction more closely for
> details.
> (i apolgoize for getting the terms mixed up earlier.. not enough sugar
> i guess :))
> Basically i have a 180 transaction
> ON the register it should show - Payee, SPLIT (bucket) Memo - and
> Total of all splits (i am in total view)
> it shows - Payee - Random bucket chosen from splits, total amount of
> all splits
> On the transaction side
> Should show
> Total 180 (bottom half) - does
> Payee
> Bucket - should change w/ chosen split line - doesnt
> Memo - should change w/ chosen split line - doesnt
> Amount ALWAYS shows a randomly chosen split amount
> (not the first - as in this case its the middle split item)
> hard to show you in words - cant seem to attach a screen shot in
> googlegroups here.
> thanks
> ciara
> On Jan 18, 9:34 am, Kevin Hoctor <> wrote:
>> Now you have me confused. I thought the total we were discussing was
>> the split total.
>> Let's start over, what's the other total you are asking about?
>> Peace,
>> Kevin Hoctor
>> No Thirst Software LLC
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 18, 2009, at 8:08 AM, ciara belle <>  
>> wrote:
>>> sorry i just dont get it - -what is the purpose of the total? I
>>> understand the split total (this one makes perfect sense to me)..  
>>> but
>>> i dont see the point of the other total... since it doesnt seem to
>>> total anything. (at least when there is a split involved..)
>>> ciara
>>> On Jan 17, 7:54 am, Kevin Hoctor <> wrote:
>>>> The split total is the total of the transaction (what appears on  
>>>> your
>>>> statement) but is entered first. The split children amounts are  
>>>> split
>>>> from the total instead of the other way around.
>>>> Peace,
>>>> Kevin Hoctor
>>>> No Thirst Software LLC
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Jan 17, 2009, at 6:33 AM, ciara belle <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> sorry no-- i don't get it - if the total doesn't represent  
>>>>> splits..
>>>>> and doesn't represent the entire amount.. than what's the point of
>>>>> it?  I would love to see the detail above change depending on the
>>>>> split chosen - if for no other reason than there is not enough  
>>>>> real
>>>>> estate on the screen to show the entire split line (especially  
>>>>> on a
>>>>> 15" macbook).  - there doesn't seem to be a way to manually resize
>>>>> that side of the screen either.
>>>>> i still don't understand what the total is supposed to represent -
>>>>> since it neither represents the total of all splits, nor the total
>>>>> of
>>>>> one split... so what is it Total of?  the standard definition of
>>>>> total
>>>>> is a sum of amounts or numbers... what does it sum?
>>>>> ciara
>>>>> On Jan 16, 10:09 am, Kevin Hoctor <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Jan 16, 2009, at 8:01 AM, ciara belle wrote:
>>>>>>> if that is the case than changing to the next line down in the
>>>>>>> list of
>>>>>>> splits should change the 'total' box? -- however it does not...
>>>>>>> selecting the various items in the split transaction list does  
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> change any item above... and it seems to pick one at random to
>>>>>>> show
>>>>>>> (for example right now on one transaction its showing the 3rd
>>>>>>> split...
>>>>>>> and will not show any other when i select)
>>>>>> No, the total will never change unless you change it. Splits were
>>>>>> designed to make quick entry of a split transaction:
>>>>>>   1. Create a transaction for $200 and assign to Groceries bucket
>>>>>>   2. Decide to make it a split, click Create Split
>>>>>>   3. Change the first amount to $150 (because that actually what
>>>>>> was
>>>>>> spent on groceries)
>>>>>>   4. Set the next line bucket to Education and change the  
>>>>>> amount to
>>>>>> $30 (what we spent on supplies)
>>>>>>   5. The remaining line is now at $20, which is our cash back  
>>>>>> so we
>>>>>> check the "cash only" checkbox
>>>>>> The idea was to avoid as much math as possible and just allow you
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> enter the amount you spent on each successive bucket and let
>>>>>> MoneyWell
>>>>>> set the new line to the remainder. It's rare that I wouldn't know
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> total but would only know the breakdowns and want to put those in
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> add up to a total. I hope this makes sense.
>>>>>> Peace,
>>>>>> Kevin Hoctor
>>>>>> No Thirst Software LLChttp://nothirst.comhttp://
> >

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