On May 29, 2009, at 4:41 PM, DM wrote:

> Are the aliases exact string matches?
> My scenario is I have 'American Express' depositing money from credit
> card transaction into my bank account. The memo includes the date the
> transaction was processed so it is unique. Once a month they charge me
> their fees with a different (and also unique to that transaction) memo
> field.
> example:
> 05/04/09      AMERICAN EXPRESS, SETTLEMENT 090502,            $143.60
> 05/04/09      AMERICAN EXPRESS, SETTLEMENT 090504,            $745.49
> 05/01/09      AMERICAN EXPRESS, COLLECTION 090501,            -$4.95
> 05/01/09      AMERICAN EXPRESS, SETTLEMENT 090501,            $1,424.90

No, they are payee or memo CONTAINS alias tests. For the above, you  
could have one alias "AMERICAN EXPRESS, COLLECTION" to match the  
withdrawals and another "AMERICAN EXPRESS, SETTLEMENT" to match the  
deposits. You could even do "AMERICAN EXPRESS" for the latter because  
MoneyWell tests the longer aliases first and then checks for the  
shorter, more generic ones.

The alias can be in any part of the payee or memo so you can have the  
alias "MCDONAL" and it will match a payee "Electronic withdrawal to  
MCDONAL" and your memorized payee can then be "McDonald's" and assign  
a bucket of "Dining" to the imported transaction.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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