
Overall, the release looks good.

I built the source successfully, and used it to run the tests.

I used the installer and used it to run the tests.

I built from the staged repo only and used it to run the tests.

Checked the signatures on the source & MSI distributions. Liit needs to add her 
key to SVN somewhere.

I notice the repository builder & MSI is distributing a lot of binaries we 
probably don't need to. They are all under category A or category B licenses, 
so not a blocker but something to fix up promptly for future releases.

Note that to get this approved, you still need 2 more votes from incubator PMC 
members. I'd also nudge the other committers to test and vote...

Beyond that:
- need to figure out how to get the repository into central - I guess through 
people.apache.org/repo for now, and we'll move to the o.a.npanday group ID in 
the 2.0 releases
- it's a good idea to create a staging area with the release files as they'll 
appear on www.apache.org/dist (in people.apache.org/builds) - especially since 
the below should be renamed for the release
- the site needs to be updated to refer to these artifacts, rather than the 
older locations
- status document needs updating


On 27/01/2011, at 6:58 PM, Josimpson Ocaba wrote:

> Sorry for the broken links. 
> Repository Builder > 
> http://vmbuild.apache.org/archiva/repository/staged-npanday/npanday/npanday-repository-builder/1.3-incubating/
> MS Installer > 
> http://vmbuild.apache.org/archiva/repository/staged-npanday/npanday/npanday-installer/1.3-incubating/
> Source > 
> http://vmbuild.apache.org/archiva/repository/staged-npanday/npanday/npanday-project/1.3-incubating/
> Docs > http://incubator.apache.org/npanday/docs/1.3-incubating/index.html 
> Hi NPanday Users, 
> After all the hard work that everyone in the community gave, I'm happy to 
> announce that NPanday 1.3 Incubating is available and ready for your testing 
> and voting. 
> You can start testing here: 
> Repository Builder > http :// vmbuild . apache .org/ archiva 
> /repository/staged- npanday / npanday / npanday 
> -repository-builder/1.3-incubating/ 
> MS Installer > http :// vmbuild . apache .org/ archiva /repository/staged- 
> npanday / npanday / npanday -installer/1.3-incubating/ 
> Source > http :// vmbuild . apache .org/ archiva /repository/staged- npanday 
> / npanday / npanday -project/1.3-incubating/ 
> The docs for 1.3 Incubating can also be found here: http ://incubator. apache 
> .org/ npanday /docs/1.3-incubating/index. html 
> [] +1 1.3 Incubating passes and is ready for release 
> [] 0 Don't care 
> [] -1 Objection and please state the reason why. 
> Thanks again for the people who contributed patches and filed issues. 
> Cheers, 
> -- 
> Joe Ocaba 

Brett Porter

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