My heart is broken.  My heart is broken into half,
Melinda was a wonderful person and a good friend and will miss
that smile of hers.  She was a special angel always caring for
others.  She loved her children she loved life.
My second half of my heart with today as I lost my dad early
this morning.
When  Purple Rain was played I called to Melinda's  name
and this morning with bad news again I dedicated the song to my  father.
I enjoyed the half time show but will write about it tomorow.
R.I.P Melinda will always keep U in my heart as my sister take care of my  
Love Terry/Myke

<Moderator: I am very sorry to hear about your lost Terry. At a time as a
fan where I should be celebrating a excellent Superbowl performance I am
grief stricken by the last of our family members. I lost a very special Aunt
a few months back to cancer now I am going to through the same thing with a
very special friend... -Derek>

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