<Moderator: I am very sorry to hear about your lost Terry. At a time as a
fan where I should be celebrating a excellent Superbowl performance I am
grief stricken by the last of our family members. I lost a very special Aunt
a few months back to cancer now I am going to through the same thing with a
very special friend... -Derek>

So very well put Derek and I've been feeling the same way.  The Superbowl
performance is not bittersweet because of the sad occurrence.  So many
people at work kept asking "Did You See Him" and all I could think was that
one of our has gone into the Purple Rain.  No wondered it rained that night,
one of ours had ascended to a Heavenly plane.  

You chat, joke, meet at concerts and sometimes you speak for years and never
eva see this person.  But the Prince Community is always there with open
arms when a call for help, need goes out a social dynamic that most people
would never understand.  But even though I never met Melinda, my heart is

And don't yall take this the wrong way, but pray for the person in the other
car too.  I can't imagine it easy to know whether it was an accident or not,
you were involved in the loss of a life.

Peace yall,

Robin aka CherryMoon

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