>So they carry you by the ears in your part of the world eh?<

Maybe they do, wherever it is.

Something like that might be  appropriate.  Lugs (the kind attached to
either side of a human head) can be put to various uses. In the town where I
live  miscreants  are threatened with having  their lugs nailed to the tron
(public weigh beam in the market place). A proclamation is made  by the Toun
Crier (standing on the back of a horse) in the Mercat Place (this happens
anually on the last Friday in July, the Common Riding day). The proclamation
includes this warning about public behaviour at the  Summer, or Lamb Fair:-

 ''.... a' land-loupers, and dub-scoupers, and gae-by-the-gate sweengers,
that come here to breed hurdums or durdums, huliments or buliments,
hagglements or bragglements, or to molest this public Fair,they shall be
ta'en by order of the Bailie and the Toun Cooncil, and their lugs be nailed
to the Tron wi' a twalpenny nail, and they shall sit doun on their bare
knees and pray seeven times for the King and thrice for the Muckle Laird o'
Ralton, and pay a groat tae mei, Jamie Ferguson, Bailie o' the aforesaid
Manor, and I'll awa hame and hae a barly Bannock and a saut herring tae ma
denner by way o' auld style.''


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