Darrell would say that though wouldn't he?

MolMix is the centrepiece of the online Wolves community.  We have nothing
new to contribute from here.  I think it will die if you set one up from

2009/7/13 Steve Dalton <steve.dal...@gmail.com>

> I created this facebook group for the QLD Wolves to coordinate - we seem a
> bit spread out over a few lists, forums and IRC. Feel free to join and tell
> anyone else you know:
> http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=102527992948
> We can put our potential events on there (such as game viewing and the
> curry night) and forward them around our networks.
> I was also talking to Darrell on Sunday about molmix and how a lot of
> people seem to be banned from this and it's popularity is waning a bit.
> Anyone interested in a new forum only site for Australian fans? I still have
> the ozwolves.com domain that I could whack up a standard phpbb forums for
> everyone on if there was enough interest. If there's going to be future
> tours, then we probably need to coordinate better.
> Good idea/Crap idea? - you tell me. I don't mind... I'm not much of a forum
> poster - but I know a lot of others do.
> Anyway - back to work... I am finding it pretty tough today after about 1-2
> hours sleep on the red-eye then straight to work...<eek>
> Steve
> ps. Awesome Awesome weekend... great to catch up with and meet so many
> Wolves fans
> --
> I did have a signature, but the dog ate it.
> google:steve.dalton | skype:spidieman | msn: m...@steve.dalts.net |
> yahoo:daltonsp | aol: spidie100 | twitter: @spidie | mynetfone:09203861
> >

Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

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