
Am 24.05.2016 um 11:49 schrieb Jean-Pierre André:
Ulf Zibis wrote:
But I see:
ls -al /mnt/WindowsXP/Dokumente\ und\ Einstellungen/Administrator/
lrwxrwxrwx 2 winxp-admin win-users      268 Mär 31  2011 Anwendungsdaten
-> /mnt/WindowsXP/Dokumente und Einstellungen/Administrator/Anwendungsdaten

IMHO this is expected, as ntfs-3g does not known whether
D: is not the current partition (the one which hosts the
symlink), and it can find the path on the current partition.

lrwxrwxrwx 2 winxp-admin win-users 176 Mär 31  2011 Lokale
Einstellungen -> /mnt/WindowsXP/.NTFS-3G/D:/Lokale

I would also expect this if the path cannot be found
in the current partition. Then a relay is expected in
./NTFS-3G/D: in order to tell which file system is
being called D:

Thanks for your thoughts Jean-Pierre.

I now have added the relay to .NTFS-3G and all works as expected.

I just was irritated, because 2 of my junctions contained a ' ' and exactly those 2 were translated with the relay pattern.

Additionally I like to ask, if it would be possible to save symlinks in NTFS file system with Windows notation using '\'. With this at least relative symlinks in same volume would remain valid for Windows.

I also noticed a collision with option "windows_names" when trying to set the 
relay with
ln -s /mnt/Daten "/mnt/WindowsXP/.NTFS-3G/D:"
Maybe you could allow ':' here.



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