
Am 26.05.2016 um 16:36 schrieb Jean-Pierre André:
Additionally I like to ask, if it would be possible to save symlinks in
NTFS file system with Windows notation using '\'. With this at least
relative symlinks in same volume would remain valid for Windows.

This would not work, Linux-type symlinks are much
different from Windows ones. The only way is to
create Windows-type relative symlinks and stay
within what is possible in both systems.

Yes, this targets what I meant.
If I understand correct, Windows-type symlinks are fully functional for Linux 
via NTFS-3G.
If this is correct - please correct me if I'm wrong - what could be the problem, if NTFS-3G would create Windows-type symlinks on NTFS file systems, at least for relative ones?

In this context, I would also like, if NTFS-3G would be capable to create NTFS hardlinks. Are there technical reasons against this?


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