
Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>So what is wrong with adobekb.tex? It is now included in ConTeXt, so
>>with \usetypescript[adobekb][someencoding] your psnfss fonts should
>>work fine.
> i can make a default for that but only when i can be absolutely sire
> that the metrics are there that i want there to be -)

According to to the statements from Walter Schmidt, a TeX font expert
(perhaps I should say *the* TeX font expert?) in

\quote{% ....
Note, however, that embedding of URW's fonts, while using the 
(PSNFSS) Adobe Base35 metrics, will _not_ lead to any bugs!  
The character metrics are matching!  Differences in the 
"character bounding boxes" are irrelevant for the advance widths!  
The only drawback is, that you cannot access those glyphs that 
are in the URW fonts, but not in the Adobe fonts.  Indeed, this 
could be overcome by providing particular metrics and VFs for 
the URW fonts -- see below. }

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