Citeren Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> However, as the nominal battery is 240V, NUT battery graphic is not very
> useful. I uses an scale up to 240V and
> 2.27V (AC on) or 2.0xV (AC off) is not visible. If I divide the nominal
> voltage (hack) by 120, NUT avoids to generate a graphic.
> The only situation that looks better was when I multiplied 2.xx by 120. I
> also tested dividing nominal voltage by 20 and multipling battery voltage by
> 6 to get 12V but I think this is worse as it's not equal to neither values
> (and needs two modifications).

You could try running the version from the trunk. This allows setting  
the (undocumented for the moment)

     override.battery.voltage.nominal = 2

in ups.conf.

> Which solution is the best? Hack the graphics, the nominal voltage or the
> voltage measure? There is an LCD in front of the UPS that shows some
> information and it does the "120 times" trick with the battery voltage.

This really should be fixed in the driver.

Best regards, Arjen
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