On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 00:50 -0500, Dana Spiegel wrote:
> Again, Jim, you love to mis-represent.
> If *you* understood how our economy functions, you'd know that what  
> would happen if these companies went belly up would be that, after a  
> short period of dark time, lots of little companies would be formed  
> (some non-profits like NYCwireless, in fact), that would start to  
> provide the missing service. Many of these companies would be started  
> by and employ many of the same technicians and engineers that were  
> abandoned when their bosses ran their telco and cableco companies  
> into the ground. Soon, there would be many companies competing,  
> buying up the (now cheap) resources of the rotting carcasses of those  
> old telco and cablecos, and putting the existing infrastructure back  
> to use, but running it in a more efficient manner.
> This is what Joseph Schumpeter, a great economist, called "Creative  
> Destruction". It is the way healthy economies and competitive  
> marketplaces work.


Overnight I've given this thread some serious consideration.

When I ran the lists for NYLXS and NYFairUse there have been times when
paid lobbyest and an disruptor's by the copyright industry had been on
the mailing list.  Sometimes they are just collecting data for later use
in testimony and courts.  At other times they have used the maillists as
tools to sharpen they're arguments for the public and congressional
hearings, or to do blatant lobbying on the list.

These are paid commercial interests on the list and should not be viewed
as individual members.  With regard to their arguments on the list, they
could care less about the issues, only the paycheck.  It is this kind of
relentless lobbying and paid for advertising that gives commercial
interests a ridicules advantage that they have in public discourse.
They relentlessly stay on message and relentlessly argue and
misrepresent their cases 24/7.

I'd recommend that you remove this person from the list.  I don't make
this recommendation lightly.  In fact, in over a decade, it is
unprecedented for me to make a public request such as this on someone
elses list to ban anyone.  But in this case, your not banning an
individual, or even curbing speech on the list, but just eliminating a
hired disruptor who is hired with hard cash to oppose the goals of your


Ruben Safir
President NYLXS
Founder of NY Fair Use

> Dana Spiegel
> Executive Director
> NYCwireless
> www.NYCwireless.net
> +1 917 402 0422
> Read the Wireless Community blog: http://www.wirelesscommunity.info

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