On 22.3.12 11:39, Alex Parvulescu wrote:

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 10:43 AM, Michael Dürig<mdue...@apache.org>  wrote:

On 21.3.12 23:13, Alex Parvulescu wrote:


I've started to scratch the surface a little bit on the subject of

OAK-36 covers the Query implementation effort, but I'm wondering if now
would be a good time to mention indexing as well.

We should create a separate JIRA issue for the query execution engine. See
my last comment on OAK-28. I thought it would be too early for that
yesterday but since there seems to be some effort already in this area I
think we should go ahead.

Sorry for not being clear enough. I'm talking about indexing.
If you see the query result as a filtered output of the index, I'm looking
for a way to build the input side.
As far as I know you need some sort of observation events to know whenever
a node has been added/changed so you can keep the index up to date.

Am I making more sense now? :)

Right. I was mixing things up. Sorry for that.




We want to have dedicated indexes, I think that would be accomplished via
Any ideas about the availability of this feature?

The current index implementation just traverses the existing nodes (albeit
applying some path constraints first), but still it doesn't have (for a
lack of a better word) a local dedicated index.
This helps with testing the query parser&   friends, but a lucene based

query engine needs events to update its data.




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