On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Thomas Mueller <muel...@adobe.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>>Currently, for Hippo, I am doing something
>>similar for the query api, that can seamlessly delegate to Solr or

Small correction : I am trying to get it on the agenda to really
seamlessly integrate with it, as currently we have some projects with
home-grown integration. I however did a simple 1 day poc some time ago
which seemed pretty promising.

>>jackrabbit, both returning a jcr node iterator (although the solr
>>index through solrj can also return plain pojo's).
>> I really like the
>>first option (pre-commit example) and third (observation based), and
>>still see many bears on the road for the second (full-text on
> Would it make sense to implement this in Oak? Or do you prefer an external
> project?

You mean the Solr integration? If so, I think in the first place it is
important that we try to make it simple to integrate with an external
index. Being able to listen to a commit journal to index nodes like
Jukka describes would help enormously already (and be able to do this
in a clustered environment, such that only one single node picks up
the journal). I am not sure if it can be made generic enough to be
part of oak (core). Perhaps an optional module? Also, although I am
unfamiliar with the project, it might be that elastic search is a
better match for oak than Solr : I just happen to mention Solr because
we are planning to seamlessly integrate it into our site building
stack (although I think they don't have a seamless integration, some
DMS providers like Alfresco and Nuxeo, which used to be a fork off /
based on JR in the past, also integrated with Solr lately )

>>I've one more question regarding the oak search/indexes : Will we be
>>able to query that returns something else than jcr nodes/rows? I
>>frequently want to be able to get a query result from the repository
>>that cannot be returned as node iterators. For example query on stats,
>>or a query for 'auto-completion' on some property (thus return some
>>part of the TermEnum for example)
> Could you give a few concrete examples? What would such a query look like,
> and what kind of data would it return?

For example as Jukka mentions there is faceted navigation which is not
easy to expose over jcr nodes/rows. Another non faceted example would
be for auto-suggestion / completion : For example give me all the
terms for property 'bar' that start with 'fo'  : In this case, you'd
just like to be able to return a list of terms.

Regards Ard

> Regards,
> Thomas

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