On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 12:05 AM, Marcel Reutegger <mreut...@adobe.com> wrote:
> but the
> resulting jar file is indeed quite big. Do we really need
> all the jars we currently embed?

Yes currently we are embedding quite a few jars. Looking at oak-run I
see it embed following major types of deps
1. JR2 jars (required for benchmark and also upgrade)
2. Lucene 3.6.x jars for JR2
3. H2 and related DBCP jars for RDB
4. Oak jars
5. Logback/jopt etc required for standalone usage
6. Now groovy

> Alternatively we may
> want to consider a new module. E.g. oak-console with only
> the required jar files to run the console.

Might be better to go this way as we anyway have to start using Lucene
4.x to allow say a command to dump the Lucene directory content. Given
oak-run would be used for benchmark and upgrade it has to package Jr2
and Lucene 3.6.x. So for pure oak related feature set we might require
a new module.

Chetan Mehrotra

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