On 2016-09-07 11:06, Michael Marth wrote:

I believe Oak has no notion of requests - the 1-1 binding of a request to a 
session is done in Sling.
However, having said that: I was not aware of all the complexities you mention. 
To add one more: probably the design would have to encounter for different 
clustered Sling instances (that share 1 repository) that receive chunks 
belonging to the same binary. Is that right?

Afaik branches are not exposed into userland, but are an implementation detail. 
 When I made my comment below, I did not realize that in order for this to work 
branches would have exposed. I am not sure if that's a good idea. Also not sure 
if it would even solve the problem.
Maybe a better approach could be to persist the chunks in a temp space, similar 
to what Marcel suggested. But maybe that temp space could be a functionality of 
the datastore (I believe Marcel suggested to create a temp location by the user 
itself via the JCR API)


Sent from a mobile device

Maybe we could have a Oak specific InputStream implementation that wraps a series of existing Binary implementations, and which Oak, when writing a new binary, could leverage? (by not actually reading the binaries, but just copying references around...)

Best regards, Julian

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