On 2017-05-22 10:26, Michael Dürig wrote:

Back to the list, which I unintentionally dropped.

On 22.05.17 10:19, Julian Reschke wrote:
On 2017-05-22 10:16, Michael Dürig wrote:

AFIK this is a new feature, why are we backporting this?


Because OAK-5704 relies on it.

But why should we backport that on? It is a minor improvement. Unless there is a strong reason to do otherwise we should only backport bugs.

Why should we backport OAK-5704? It's a significant performance improvement, which, in some cases, can make the difference whether a VersionGC finishes within its time window or not.

That said, I disagree a *lot* with the statement:

"Unless there is a strong reason to do otherwise we should only backport bugs."

It's certainly not covered by what we discussed a few weeks ago and what led to <http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/jackrabbit/oak/trunk/oak-doc/src/site/markdown/participating.md?r1=1598204&r2=1792601&pathrev=1792601&diff_format=h>

Best regards, Julian

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