Hi oak-dev,

I'm researching how indexing works in Oak to better understand it, and
lately the focus is how indexes register for notification of changes in the

This appears to be pretty straightforward:  When the Jcr object is being
set up, you provide one or more Observer instances, and then when the
repository is created these Observer instances are registered to be called
when changes happen.

What confused me was the use of Observer rather than an ObservationManager,
EventListeners, and EventFilters as described in [0].  Other than
addressing what seems to be a similar problem, these two approaches don't
appear to be related to each other.  It appears that Oak recommends the
ObservationManager approach, but doesn't use it for index change management.

Can anyone help clarify this?  Why the two approaches?

[0] - https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/features/observation.html


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