On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 4:40 PM Matt Ryan <mattr...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi oak-dev,
> I'm researching how indexing works in Oak to better understand it, and
> lately the focus is how indexes register for notification of changes in the
> repository.
> This appears to be pretty straightforward:  When the Jcr object is being
> set up, you provide one or more Observer instances, and then when the
> repository is created these Observer instances are registered to be called
> when changes happen.
> What confused me was the use of Observer rather than an
> ObservationManager, EventListeners, and EventFilters as described in [0].
> Other than addressing what seems to be a similar problem, these two
> approaches don't appear to be related to each other.  It appears that Oak
> recommends the ObservationManager approach, but doesn't use it for index
> change management.
> Can anyone help clarify this?  Why the two approaches?
> [0] - https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/features/observation.html
> -MR

Further digging revealed what I suspected - that the ObservationManager
approach actually uses an Observer registered with the whiteboard under the

The question remains though - why the two approaches, and in specific why
are indexes registered as Observers rather than via the ObservationManager


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