Ah ok. I had checked the maven-failsafe-plugin configuration in the parent, but 
I didn’t notice the reconfiguration in the profile. The tests are indeed 
executed when activating that profile. Thanks.

What about the tests failing to start/connect to the forked container? Is my 
setup incorrect? I’m using JDK 11 on MacOS Big Sur, btw.
I could run the tests by switching to pax-exam-container-native instead of 
pax-exam-container-forked and by upgrading Pax Exam to version 4.3.15.

What about adding assertions to the tests instead of just printing to the 


From: Julian Reschke <julian.resc...@gmx.de>
Date: Monday, 17 January 2022 at 17:04
To: oak-dev@jackrabbit.apache.org <oak-dev@jackrabbit.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Oak-it-osgi module
Am 17.01.2022 um 16:15 schrieb Carlo Jelmini:
> Hi,
> I’m looking for a good place to add integration tests for the issue “Enable 
> configuration of more than one read-only mount in the composite node 
> store“[0] and I think the module “oak-it-osgi” is the best candidate.
> However, I’m surprised to see that, with the current maven-failsafe-plugin 
> configuration, the integration tests are not executed by Maven. Moreover, 
> when enabling execution, the tests fail to start the forked OSGi container. 
> Lastly, most tests just print to the console, without any assertions.
> ...

Did you invoke Maven with "-PintegrationTesting"?

Best regards, Julian

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