[Doug Meerschaert] "It's all in what you indicate compatability with. If, for example, SSS wants to say that all of their Warcraft d20 books are both compatible and co-adaptable, the OGL certainly can't say anything about it."

I'm not convinvced. Shall we just leave it at that and agree it hasn't been testing in court and won't matter until it is? We could be at this a long time doing a dance of semantic variations and never get anywhere.

[Doug Meerschaert] "The FGA asked Wizards if they had any objections at all to either Prometheus or the OpenDie. In fact, that's why we abandoned the old "Free20" name. They won't have any problem with a brand-new compatability indicator -- and even if they did, unless it infringes on one of their trademarks, I don't think they'd have a leg to stand on."

I'm going to point out that there are different WotC people in charge of whether or not it matters than there were then and there likely will be different people in charge at some point in the future than there are now. I'm going to point out that you are, by your own admission, looking for a compaitbility indicator and I'm going to posit that you mean compatibility with the d20 System, a compatibility indicator to be an alternative to the d20 system logo. I'm just going to leave it at that.

[Doug Meerschaert] "(And if you're looking for a new compatability indicator, the Prometheus mark is still the one to go with. Its license is almost exactly as the FGA wrote it, and it's got a nice safe "any version you want" clause, to boot.)"

This doesn't seem to have made much, if any, headway in the last five/six(?) years. Is there a reason you can think of why this hasn't been adopted by all potential adopters in that time? Just as an exercise, put yourself on the other side of the table and delineate the opposite viewpoint to your usual perspective. I think I might be able to understand things much better if I could hear someone as familiar with the licensing you champion detail why it has not been as successful as it could be. Surely you must be just as aware of its perceived or supposed shortcomings as you are of its touted benefits? I'm truly curious.

As always,
Mark Clover

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