On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 09:21:02AM -0800, Adam Perry wrote:
>    On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 9:12 AM, James Paige <b...@hamsterrepublic.com>
>    wrote:
>      On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 10:30:32AM -0800, Adam Perry wrote:
>      >    James,
>      >
>      >    I see the documentation for the new slice commands in the xml
>      plotdict.
>      >    Two things, though:
>      >
>      >    - The business of containers, slices, and such isn't intuitive.
>      Could you
>      >    (or someone) create a short tutorial explaining, minimally, how to
>      get a
>      >    sprite on the screen and manipulate it?
>      >    - All of these commands need to find their way into the wiki as
>      well.
>      >
>      >    I'm sure I'm not the only one who's excited about slices but
>      doesn't know
>      >    where to start.
>      Well, lets start here.
>    (snip)
>      Okay. Does all of the above make sense? If not, let me know what I need
>      to clarify, and if so we can move on to talking about containers and
>      rects.
>    Yes, that makes sense. Would be good for the wiki. What about layering? Do
>    children go on top of parents?

I'll make sure that something like that ends up on the wiki before the 
next stable release. Hopefully with screenshots and hat-graphics :)

Layering is done oldest-to-youngest, with depth-first traversal of the 

That means that we start with the slice layer
Then we draw the first child. (big enemy 1)
Then we draw the first child of the first child (big enemy 1's hat)
Then we draw the second child (big enemy 2)
Then we draw the first child of the the second child (big enemy 2's hat)
Then we draw the third child (big enemy 3)

And so-on. The upshot is that younger siblings are always  drawn on top 
of older siblings, and that children of a parent are always drawn 
directly on top of their parent. Once you get use to it, it is pretty 
easy to understand how to arrange your slices to make them draw in the 
order you want.

Containers can be great for that. A container is simply an invisible 
slice for use as a parent to other slices that you want to group 
together either for looping or for controlling draw-order. 
You can change the width and height of a container however you 

I think I should mention alignment and anchors now.

So, you already know that a slice has a relative x/y position to its 
parent. By default, a slice is aligned to the top left corner of its 
parent, and it is anchored by its own top left corner. For some 
purposes, positioning everything according to top left corners is all 
you are going to need, but sometimes it becomes more convenient to 
position a slice in other ways. Check out this example where I attach a 
four NPC sprites to a container, one on each corner

  variable(box, sl)
  box := create container(150, 150)

  sl := load walkabout sprite(4)
  set parent(sl, box)
  # this one starts in the top left

  sl := load walkabout sprite(5)
  set parent(sl, box)
  set horiz align(sl, edge:right)
  set horiz anchor(sl, edge:right)
  # put this one in the top right

  sl := load walkabout sprite(6)
  set parent(sl, box)
  set vert align(sl, edge:bottom)
  set vert anchor(sl, edge:bottom)
  # put this one in the bottom left

  sl := load walkabout sprite(7)
  set parent(sl, box)
  set horiz align(sl, edge:right)
  set horiz anchor(sl, edge:right)
  set vert align(sl, edge:bottom)
  set vert anchor(sl, edge:bottom)
  # put this one in the bottom right

Now each of these four sprites will be arranged at the corners of a 
15x150 container. Notice that we did not change the x/y of any of thse 
slices? If you use "slice x" and "slice y" you will see that they are 
still all at 0,0 but if you check with "slice screen x" and "slice 
screen y" you will see that they now all have been moved.

Now what gets really cool is if you resize the container.

  for(i, 0, 49) do, begin
    set slice width(box, slice width(box) + 1)
    set slice height(box, slice height(box) + 1)

The sprites attached to the corners will move automatically as you 
resize the box!

Does that make sense?

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